By analyzing the performance of nine leading corporations with market orientation in the high- tech industry, the paper reveals that the reason why the performance of companies with the same orientation is different is that the definition of market orientation isn t clear and some of them can t distinguish between lighthouse- customer and mainstream- customer.
本文旨在探讨高技术企业应以何种导向来指导企业发展,文章通过对奉行市场导向理念的 9家高技术行业领先企业的成、败分析指出:同样理念却导致不同执行效果的主要原因在于市场导向界定不清、一些企业没有区分出主流顾客与灯塔顾客,进而,提出了灯塔顾客导向理论,并在理论上予以了论证。
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