The minutes of the board of directors meetings shall be complete and accurate. The secretary of the board of directors shall carefully organize the minutes and the records of discussed matters.
The minutes of the board of directors meetings shall be properly maintained and stored as important records of the company, and may be used as an important basis for clarifying responsibilities of individual directors in the future.
The Board of directors shall keep minutes of resolutions on matters discussed at meetings. The minutes are signed by the directors present at the meeting and the person who recorded the minutes.
Directors that have attended the meetings and the person who drafted the minutes shall sign the minutes.
I have to take some notes at the Board Meeting this afternoon.
The Board of directors shall keep minutes of decisions made on matters discussed. Such minutes shall be signed by the directors present at the meeting.
The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than one third of the total number of directors. Minutes of the meetings shall be placed on file.
The chairman 's remarks about the auditor be minute .
The chairman signed the minute as a true record of the last meeting .
The chairman sign the minute as a true record of the last meeting .
The chairman's remarks about the auditor is minute.
Mr. Browning opened the meeting by asking Mr. Miles to read the minutes of the previous Board meeting.
The Secretary shall circulate the minutes of meetings and reports of the Committee to all members of the Board.
record the minutes/proceedings of a meeting
Minutes of decisions made on matters discussed by the shareholders' general meeting shall be kept. The minutes shall be signed by the shareholders present at the meetings.
"However, if it can be proven that a director expressly objected to the resolution when the resolution was voted on, and that such objections were recorded in the minutes of the meeting, such director may be free of liability."
The secretary represents the corporation in many contractual and legal matters and maintains minutes of the meetings of directors and stockholders.
register of members of board of governors
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