According to Mongolian medical dialectical theory We selected Some prescriptions such as WuLiJi-18, SuGeMuLe-7,SaRenGaRiDi, SuMenMaoDu-8,GuRiGuMu-13,AMuRi-6,GeiXiGuNa-6,ChuCunGuRiGuMu-8,SuGeMuLe-10 to cure the 58 cases of abnormal menstruation.
The paper aims at analyzing common illness of abnormal menstruation like the reason symptoms principles and the treatment methods of this illness in the female students.
According to Mongolian medical dialectical theory We selected Some prescriptions such as WuLiJi - 18, SuGe-MuLe - 7, SaRenGaRiDi, SuMenMaoDu - 8, GuRiGuMu - 13, AMuRi - 6, GeiXiGuNa - 6, ChuCunGuRiGuMu - 8, SuG-eMuLe - 10 to cure the 58 cases of abnormal menstruation.
按照蒙医理论对月经不调进行辨证论治,从蒙医传统药方中选用乌力吉-18,苏格木勒-7,萨仁嘎日迪,苏门毛都- 8,古日古木-13,阿木日-6,给喜古纳-6,楚寸古日古木-8,苏格木勒-10等治疗月经不调58例做临床观察,其中痊愈显效 28例,占48。
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Clinical Observation of Chinese Medication for Menoxenia due to Poor Ovarian Reserve Function;
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