This paper is not in agreement with the renewal and complementarity of the substitution theorem in the references [1,2] , considering the expression of the theorem in the books [3,4] is perfect, and there are conceptive differences betwee the theorem and the skills of analyzing electrical circuits.
对文献 [1,2 ]为替代定理提出的“修正”和“补充”表示了异议 ,认为教材中替代定理的表述是完善的 ,不需作修正和附加应用条件 ,他们的观点只能作为替代定理的应用技巧。
In this article, the condifions of the application of the substitution theorem to all kinds of branches are discussed.
对文献 [1]中的结论提出了质疑 ,补充了教材中替代定理的应用条件 ,从而完善了替代定理。
The intension and extension of the substitution theorem is discussed overal in this paper.
本文全面论述了替代定理的内涵与外延 ,在适用对象、电路结构、必要条件和等效性诸方面讨论了替代定理的内涵 ,在替代电路和端口等方面讨论了替代定理的外延 ,为在电路分析中正确运用替代定理创造了条
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