The times of demand printing,embodying high efficiency and personality,has been coming.
飞速发展的当今科技使时代变得丰富多采 ,高效与个性的“按需印刷”时代已经到来 ,快速、优质、按客户需求完成的个性化按需印刷将是新世纪印刷业发展的一大热点。
Based on the concept of contention reservation for polling transmission and collision prevention strategy for collision resolution,a fair on-demand access(FODA) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks(MANET) is proposed.
基于快速、有效竞争预约接入、无冲突轮询传输的思想和带冲突预防的冲突分解策略,本文提出了适于移动Ad Hoc网络的公平按需多址接入(FODA)协议。
Therefore, the paper proposes a simple on-demand (SOD) routing protocol, in which the dynamic sink node algorithm improves the uniformity of power consumption, and the diffusion algorithm decreases the traffic of route generation and resumption.
This paper introduced in detail on recomended ELAS System from Germany, the model of put in material by need, the model of Controlled exit aluminium, the model of.
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