Clinical analysis of 45 cases failure by conservative medicine treatment of ectopic pregnancy;
Failure Analysis of Bacteria-killing by Autoclave;
Epidemiologic Study on IUD Use and Failure in Nine Provinces of China;
Fail Reason Analysis of Children s Vein Detain Needle;
Based on Pro/Engineer Wildfire software,with the introduction to the theory of feature creating,the failed reason and its solving method of feature creating were discussed, which provides the theoretical and practical references for the complicate product.
以Pro/Engineer Wildfire软件为平台,在阐述特征建模理论的基础上,讨论了造成特征创建失败的主要原因及解决的方法,为复杂产品的设计提供了理论及实践参考。
This is the main reason that lead the number army to fail.
The predecessors had several opinions regarding the defeat of New Life Movement,but it was not comprehensive.
Though the Northern Song had far more fields,families and armed forces than the Western Xia,at the beginning of the war,the Northern Song was defeated.
The causes of defeat in WANG Anshi s introduction of reforms are as follows:lack of support by the authorities,mistakes in specific implementation and the whole society couldn t bear the radical reforms.
王安石变法以失败而告终 ,究其原因主要是 :缺乏权力集团的支持 ,具体操作的失误和变法的前卫性远远超出整体社会的承受力。
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