To meet this challenge and do better in "two lessons" education, the disciplinary quality of the education must be made clear, the means and content of the education must be reformed, and the strong cultural spirits of the culture of the Chinese nation must be molded.
The rapid development of the information technology has put forward a severe challenge to the "two lessons" education on the workers, contents, methods and so on.
Adapting to the demand of quality - oriented education and renewing the educational idea of "two classes";
适应素质教育要求 更新"两课"教育理念
Strengthening "Two-Class" Education and Promoting Quality Education;
加强"两课"教育 推进素质教育
The Structure and the Practice of "The Marxist Theory Course and the Ideology and Morality Course";
On relations Between "Two dass" Education and Quality Education in University;
A Probe into the Integration of College "two-class" Education and the Party School Education
Exploration and Consideration on Extending the Classroom of "Two Courses" Education;
Special Requirements of the“Two Courses”Inteaching to Teachers Qualities;
Discussion on Teaching Practice of "Two curricula"in Colleges of Physical Education;
On ways to promote teaching results of Maxism,Leninism and Morality Education
Strengthen Quality-oriented Education,Advance Two-subject Teaching Reform in College;
Thinking about Deepen the"Two Curricula"Education and Teaching in College;
On Humanistic Education and Two Courses Teachers′Humanistic Quality;
Discussion on Teaching Methods of "two courses" in Quality-Oriented Education;
Teaching Reform in the"Two Courses"and Cultivating Students Thoughts of Starting an Undertaking;
On the Values of Civic Education in the Two Courses" Teaching;
Discussing of Drawing teaching in Vocational Education;
On the Diatheisis Education and the Reformation of Teaching Methods of "Two Courses" in High School;
Seeking Truth from Facts: the Core of "Two-political Courses Education" in Institutes of Higher Learning;
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