Design of amplifying tone telephone based on AT89C2051;
In this thesis, the causes of the common problems of indoor sound magnification are analyzed, and the resolutions are proposed.
According to the theoretic analysis,if we set the tone control circuit in the front of the Hi-Fi amplifier to enhance or reduce the sound effects in the treble area or the bass area,we can improve the timbre.
The key whether the wired-radio system can work normally is that whether amplifier and loudspeaker could match to each other.
扩音机和扬声器之间匹配关系是有线广播系统能否正常工作的关键 ,定压式和定阻式扩音机输出特性不同 ;应用范围和匹配要求也不同 ,根据电子线路基本匹配原理 ,总结了有线广播匹配的最基本要求和不同系统的具体要求 ;介绍了两种扩音机的输出参数 ,运用简单的计算公式 ,通过实例计算 ,解决了不同形式具体线路匹配。
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