By the result of data-processing and compiling of geophysics, including regional gravity survey, aeromagnetic survey, deep reflect imagine of seismic and natural seismic, it is discovered that there exists a rhombic block, Chuan-Dian-Qian Rhombic Block(Chuan, Dian and Qian is the short name of Sichuan, Yunnan and GuiZhou, respectively), which is surrounded by four faults in various directio.
通过该区区域地球物理资料 (包括重力测量、航空磁测、深反射地震和天然地震资料 )的分析整理和编图 ,发现在扬子地台西南缘存在着一个菱形块体———川滇黔菱形地块 ,由四条 (隐伏 )深断裂带所围限。
Correlation of Seismicity in Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block;
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