Influence of frictional pressure drop along horizontal wellbore on well productivity;
An experimental investigation on frictional pressure drop characteristics of oil-water two- phase flow through a straight horizontal steel and plexiglass pipe within 40 mm inner diameter was conducted.
本文对水平放置的内径为40 mm的钢管和有机玻璃管内的油水两相流动摩擦压降特性进行了比较实验研究。
The characteristics of the time-averaged frictional pressure drop in single-phase flow, which was determined by the air purge method, for the HNO_3 solution and 30% TRPO-Kerosene solution through a 50mm-diameter discs and doughnuts pulsed extraction column were studied firstly.
To investigate the pressure drop due to the friction between gas-solid suspension and CFB riser wall and its effect on the measurement of average solids holdups by pressure transducers,models for predicting the pressure drop and the solids holdup were developed.
The frictional pressure drop of oil-water two-phase flow in a horizontal steel pipe and in a Plexiglas pipe is compared and investigated.
对水平钢管和有机玻璃管内油水两相流动摩擦压降的变化进行了研究 ,当含水率为18%~ 10 0 %、折算液速为 0 。
Experimental investigation on film boiling dispersed two phase friction pressure drop in narrow annular gap with deionized water was performed in three types of narrow annular gap.
在 3种不同间隙的同心竖直环形狭缝膜态沸腾试验段中 ,研究了以去离子水为工质的两相弥散流摩擦压降 ,比较了环形狭缝和圆形通道中两相流动摩擦压降的不同 ,还研究了环形间隙对摩擦压降的影响。
This paper studies the properties of GF/PET Friction-spun Core-yarn with different spinning parameters, and the results show: there was a critical friction ratio where the twist, breaking tenacity and slipping resistance of the yarn was best respectively; and the friction ratio would affect the regularity very little wh.
The frictional pressure drop can be calculated by Chisholm equation, and the constant C in the equation depended on the quality.
Study on Friction Pressure Drop Characteristics of Oil-Gas-Water Three-Phase Flow in Vertical Upward Pipeline
head of fluid frictinal loss
To press, rub, or hit with the knuckles.
Calculation method of pressure field distributed parameter of hydraulic friction pairs
Study on frictional effect between extrusion container and billet in forward extrusion forming
Lubricating or waxing the yarn to reduce friction.
Study on Tribological Properties of Green Environmental Lubricants;
Pressing the brake pedal in your car, for example, may conjure a mental image of pushing a lever that rubs against the wheels to slow you down.
The friction coefficient of the polish surface was 74% of that of grind surface.
"To damage (plant tissue), as by abrasion or pressure."
Roller mills grind essentially by crushing and attrition.
The Study of the Hydraulic Pressure and Rotates Speed Measuring & Controlling System for Friction Welding Machine;
Study on Dry-Friction Mechnical Seal in the Condition of Low Speed and High Pressure
Adaptive Dynamic Friction Compensation of Hydraulic Simulator
Friction and Wear Performance of the Hydraulic Motor Friction Pair with Liquid Dispersant-radiation Condition
The steering clutch is tighten by pressured springs and separated hydraulically with oil-type, multi-powder-metal discs.
Friction on the cost reduction team invariably leads to the disintegration of the project.
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