The Elementary Psychology Analyse of Using Sichuan Dialect in Sha Ting Novels;
On Sha Ting s Language Art of Satire;
Strict Material selection Deep Exploitation and Excavation——On the features of Sha Ting's short stories writing themes
选材严 开掘深——论沙汀短篇小说创作题材的特色
The Golden Age of Sha Ting s Writing;
The Elementary Psychology Analyse of Using Sichuan Dialect in Sha Ting Novels;
Women Destroyed by Bestial Way--the Tragic Women Images in the World of Shating s Novels;
Strict Material selection Deep Exploitation and Excavation--On the features of Sha Ting's short stories writing themes
选材严 开掘深——论沙汀短篇小说创作题材的特色
Devotes himself in quarrels between characters in his writing--One of the research on Shating s novel creation mode;
Satirical Novels under the Psychology of Warfare:Satirical Novels of Sha Ting and Zhang Tianyi;
Interactive Emergence in Spatial and Temporal Perspective--Comments on Sha Ding s Resources of Bashu Regional Culture;
Open-story ending construction A study of Sha Ding s novel creation mode;
Wildness and Fire The Analysis and Comparison about Looker in LU Xun and SHA Tings Value Positions;
Fantine, who was looking at Javert only, turned towards him:--
You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air, Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.
空里流霜不觉飞 汀上白沙看不见
A Precise Explanation of “Roc”can Set Loose the “Roc”: With an Analysis of Mao Zedong s Poem “Dielianhua From Dingzhou to Changsha” and some Other Arguments;
A windy lake is Dian yet never any dust is seen /The newly green isle Ding in the far horizon lies/Beauty one enjoys here as in land south of the Yangtse River/A vast ripply lake in spring with distant foam lily white.
Combined Inhibitory Effects of Fluvastatin and Losartan on Atherosclerosis and Plaque Inflammation in Rabbits;
The Expression of CTGF in Kidneys of cGVHD Mice and the Interventional Effects of Fluvastatin and Irbesartan on It;
The Effect of Simvastatin and Losartan on the Expression of Nephrin Gene of Diabetic Glomerulopathy in STZ-induced Diabetic Rats;
Combination Effects of Simvastatin and Losartan in the Experimental Renal Interstitial Fibrosis;
Clinical Intervention of Losartan and Simvastatin on Chronic Micro-inflammation State of CRF Patients;
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