This thesis mainly expounds an analytical method in structure of the lexicographical sememic description elements, namely the structural trichotomy to the lexicographical sememic description elements.
2-D three-component seismic data interpretation in Xujiaweizi rift ar-ea.;
For there is three spikes on three-component geophone, current type of geophone cannot adjust azimuth and inclination in the condition of tight coupling between earth and spike, so there is serious fault in it.
已有的三分量检波器在尾锥与地表紧耦合条件下 ,无法调节方位角及倾角。
In order to improve the resolution and accuracy of 3-D seismic exploration, a novel type of three-component photoelastic fiber optic accelerometer is designed.
The seismic technology of 3-component digital geophone.;
Study on near-surface survey by 3-component(3-C) shallow refraction;
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