These services are divided into the following three phases: call setup, call connection, and call release.
这些业务氛围下面三个阶段: 呼叫建立、呼叫连接和呼叫释放。
Wireless Network Optimization Experience for Dealing with the Low Success Rate of Call Processing Methods
The call failed because you cannot call a conferencing service when you are already in a call.
The process of monitoring and controlling an established call.
Failed to establish an authenticated connection to the person you called.
Once authentication is successful, the service provider accepts the call and establishes a connection with the mobile device.
AT&T determined that 4KHz was the minimum amount of a spectrum needed to transport a voice call and built the entire voice-calling system around that standard.
Push the call Button and an air hostess will come at once
%1 cannot answer your call right now. This person may be busy with another call.
%1 无法立即回答您的呼叫。他可能正忙于另一个呼叫。
Learn the primary challenges of call monitoring and how to set up your center monitoring procedures to help overcome these challenges.
c.Service Transfer Point (STP)Switches that setup, manage, release voice circuits required to make a call, and request data.
c.业务传输点 (STP)进行呼叫和请求数据所需的建立、管理、释放语音电路的交换机。
Designing a speech application includes presenting data for delivery over the phone, constructing a call flow and enabling prompts and grammars.
Having taken down their call centre costs, why would they not take this income stream?
machine key ring
键控铃呼叫, 半自动呼叫
Creating a window that will be used to display a caller's video.
Integrated Services Outsourcing Call Center Technology Research and Construction;
Analysis and Building of Call Center Synthesis Information Service Platform;
Tobacco Companies Should Pay Attention to the Building of Call Center a Few Problems;
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