Conflict and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Multilateral Trade System;
Then, it further analyses the environmental rules of NAFTA and MAI.
这里首先阐述了投资和环境问题的内在联系,继而 对北美自由贸易协定和多边投资协定中的环境规则进行分析,最后为未来的投资协定的环境规则提出了若干建议。
MFA and the Liberalization of Trade in Textiles & Cloth;
In order to meet this challenge, it is essential to clarify, amend and perfect the related clauses of WTO, and harmonize the conflicts of substantial rules between WTO and MEAs.
要应对这些挑战 ,有必要对 WTO相关条款加以澄清、修补和完善 ,并协调 WTO有关实体规则与多边环境协定中与贸易有关的环境措施之间的冲
multilateral agreement for the prevention of incidents at sea
Multilateral Agreements on Acquisition or Maintenance of Protection
ANNEX 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
附件1A 货物贸易多边协定
(B) Multilateral Trade Agreements
(B) 多边贸易协定
Conflict and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Multilateral Trade System;
.Administering and implementing the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO;
Non-Application of Multilateral Trade Agreements between Particular Members
The Legal Issue of the Harmony between WTO and Multinational Environmental Agreement under the Doha Round;
Such acceptance shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed hereto.
Such accession shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed thereto.
Status of Multilateral Arms Regulations and Disarmament Agreements
Uruguay Round of the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations
The Conflicts and Coordination of the WTO Multilateral Trade Regimeand the Regional Trade Agreements;
Article12. The decision to accept a multilateral treaty or agreement shall be made by the State Council.
Article XIII Non-Application of Multilateral Trade Agreements between Particular Members
第13条 多边贸易协定在特定成员间的不适用
(C) Plurilateral Trade Agreements
(c) 诸边贸易协定:
On the Settlement of the Conflicts Between the Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Multilateral Trade System;
Any other measure covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement
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