An Introduction to the Weather Forecast Operation of the King George Island, Antarctica;
Research on Ice Core Record fromm King George Island,West Antarctica: Dating, Particles and Ion Elution;
In situ observation of dynamic changes in free water contents of soils at two sites (Eutric gelic Regosol and Dystri gelic Cambisol) was carried out in the ice free area of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, the maritime Antarctic zone,by use of the specially developed moisture sensing probes as sensors.
利用特制的石膏抗冻电极作为土壤水分探测探头 ,对南极海洋性气候区乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛上两个土壤类型饱和寒冻石质土和贫盐基寒冻始成土进行了土壤自由水分含量动态变化定位监测。
On George Mounin s Approach to Translation;
his polisher of any trace of their cheap manufacture So Grace turned into the alley which went by the exotic name
往乔治城去了 于是葛瑞丝转进名字奇特的...
THOMAS MAEDER is senior adviser for scientific strategies at the Georgetown University Medical Center.
Achieve Harmony through Mutual Appreciation-Speech at Georgetown University in the US;
美美与共 共致和谐——在美国乔治城大学的演讲
Jane: I just heard that Georgetown had six applicants for every available place in the freshman class.
George holds down quite a good job in the city.
Did George Washington declare the independence of Philadelphia?
The Historic Town of St George and Related Fortifications, Bermuda
"Why, George, how are you?"
Avenue5 St George's Ave
圣乔治大街5 号.
George : Which platform ?
Potter: Okay,George?
"How did you find the cold pie, George?"
George Washington Carver
George Catlin quickly returned home to Philadelphia to raise money for his project.
"George Evans was in here Saturday and said he saw you in Milwaukee last week."
She moved to New York City, the young nation's first capital with George, along with her two grandchildren.
The women as Moses for the artist:An analysis of the relationship between George Willard and the women in Winesburg Ohio;
George took control of the business when his father died.
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