Geological Characteristics and Genesis of the Saishitang Copper Deposit in Qinghai Province
Effect of digging holes on the yield and shiro distribution of Thelephora ganbanjun Zang;
Field observations for 58 shiros were conducted for 4 years.
在云南保山市海棠村连续对松茸菌塘进行定点调查研究的结果表明 :实施“封山育茸”为主的人工促繁措施明显促进菌塘的发展 ,促进菌塘内松茸数量的增加达 110 6 4% ,而松茸损失则下降12 6 % ;出茸菌塘可分为两种情况 ,一种是常规时间出茸 ,另一种是后期才出茸 ,二者分别占菌塘总数的 5 8 6 %和 4 1 4 % ,常规出茸一般时间早 ,出茸时期较长 ,产量分布较平均 ,而后期才出茸的一般时间迟 ,出茸期较短 ;6个松茸菌塘连续 3a观测结果表明 ,菌塘中收获的松茸数量提高了 10 2 6 % ,产量增加达 112 5 % ;在该林地所有菌塘中 ,最高年产量可达 1 2 8kg ;利用松茸开伞的方法可以形成新的菌塘 ,2 3a后可产出松
"I see" the Lotus Pond--about the Analysis and Extension of "I" in Lotus Pond in the Moonlight;
Poeticly Melt in the Breezy Lotus Pond --Appreciate "Lotus Pond with Breezin" of Yan Yuanshu;
The Enchanting Scenery of Lotus Pond Appreciation of Lotus Scene in the Summer Resort;
Realistic Understanding the Theme of the "Lotus Pond In Moonlight"--"Lotus Pond in Moonlight" has nothing to do with "4 ·12" coup d'état
You may ask the question" Where has the lotus pond come from?
Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees.
Beside the lotus pond there is a small tortuous cinder path.
Talk about Synaesthesia too--And concurrently analyses two sentences in" moonlight of lotus pool
You may ask the question "Where has the lotus pond come from?"
On the Love Theme of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from Narratology;
Quering the Paint of Sexual Psychoanalysis in Lotus Pond Moonlight;
On the Art of Describing“Shadow”in the Prose《Moonlight Over Lotus Pond》;
Analyzing the Translation of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond--From the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor;
On Translated Version of Moonlight Over the Lotus Pond;
Rhetorical Charm in The Lotus Pool by Moonlight and Green;
Doubt on both the Mood Making and the Perfect about the Works“Moonlight over the Lotus Pond”;
Using the Scenes to Express One’s Emotion and Employing the Things to Reflect One’s Aspiration:about Zhu Ziqing’s Prose Moonlight on the Lotus Pond;
借景抒情 托物言志——谈朱自清《荷塘月色》
Lotus Pond in Moonlight: An Aestheticist and Decadent Text;
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