The body height,body weight and chest circumference were regarded as the index of survey and analysis.
The pre - and post - operative relative index of the patients were measured, including height, weight, waist circumference, buttock circumference, volume of the prosthesis, chest circumference through the nipple, chest circumference through the inframammary crease.
The height and chest circumference of the urban boys are better than that of girls in the same age.
Objective To observe the effect of neonatal swimming for 30 days on the babies growth including neonatal on neonatal weight, height and chest measurement.
Chest measurement increases were 7.
38年间,济南市7—18岁男女生身高平均增长15 48cm(男)、12 09cm(女),体重平均增长15 76kg(男)、10 01kg(女),胸围平均增长7 88cm(男)、4 10cm(女);青岛市7—18岁男女生身高平均增长17 12cm(男)、13 19cm(女),体重平均增长16 98kg(男)、10 46kg(女),胸围平均增长6 72cm(男)、3 05cm(女)。
By means of investigation of the chest measurement of pine tree (Pinus massoniana),population amount of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi and the percentage of death tip etc.
通过对马尾松胸围和松突圆蚧种群数量、枯梢率等的调查,结果表明:不同胸围马尾松之间的松突圆蚧种群数量不存在显著差异,不同胸围马尾松之间受松突圆蚧为害后的枯梢率存在显著差异,马尾松个体对营养和空间的竞争能力并不体现为对松突圆蚧的耐害或抵抗能力,该林分存在胸围越大的个体受松突圆蚧为害(枯梢)越重的趋势;对不同胸围马尾松之间松突圆蚧种群数量和枯梢率进行相关分析表明,马尾松胸围与松突圆蚧种群数量的相关性不显著,而与枯梢率呈极显著线性相关,其线性回归式为y=3 7821x-30 0479(y为枯梢率,x为胸围);松突圆蚧种群在树冠上、中、下层之间的分布不存在显著差异。
The paper takes statistics On fat rate and morphology concluding height,weight and bust of 1147 students who are 17 from cities and countries in Fujian.
Through the investigation on the growth and development of the pupil in Hantai district, this paper have discovered that the body height, weight and chest girth of the children aged between 7-13 old increased 2 16cm, 2 37kg and 1 01cm in 2000 than 1984 respectively.
通过对汉台区城区 4所小学学生生长发育的调查发现 ,汉台区 7— 1 3岁儿童身高、体重和胸围 2 0 0 0年平均较 1 984年分别增长了 2 1 6cm、2 37kg、1 0 1cm 。
The results indicated that height at withers of Ili horse is increased,the body length ratio,chest girth ratio and shank circumference ratio were found to match the standard of the ideal racehorse,and the age of body mature is one year earlier than usral.
Measurements of a woman's bust, waist and hips
He takes a 42-inch chest.
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A trimming on the front of a bodice.
Bust: By the upper part of alar edge bosom the plumpest place. The bust should be the half of height.
Head and chest circumference are checked on all children under two years of age.
The head, chest and upper arm circumferences of medium-sized children account for 80.6%, 85.6% and 84.6/0 respectively.
Give me lots of leeway around the chest.
He has been rejected as a soldier for his narrow chest.
What is your bust size, madam?
小姐, 您胸围的尺寸是多少?
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I want you to take my chest measurement.
Essential body measurements such as bust, waist, hip etc., which are contained in the company size chart.
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A breastwork erected during a siege.
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Perioperative nursing of 33 patients with tuberculous empyema and hemothorax
The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone;the thorax.
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