Definition and Classification of the Valence of the DisyllabicVerbs in Xian Yu Jing;
The Researching of Translation Master GUANFACEN and His Translation Works 《Virtue and Stupid Scripture》 s Translation Skills;
Definition and Classification of the Valence of the DisyllabicVerbs in Xian Yu Jing;
Today s Translations and Comments for Buddhist Documents and the Study ofMedieval Chinese Language──for example the translations and comments for "Xian Yu Jing" and "Za Bao Zang Jing;
Good word and ill deed deceive wise men and fool.
He can discriminate the prudent from the fools
Its descendants will reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies.
The same tree may bear sweet and sour fruit; the same mother may have clever and stupid children.
Dissimulation is innate in women, and almost as much a quality of the stupid as of the clever. --Arthur Schopenhouer
They begin to tell you what's sensible and what's foolish, and want you to stick at home all the time.
"I'm sure when these spirits go down to earth, we'll see lovers and lechers, worthy people, simpletons and scoundrels unlike those in earlier romances."
a foolish or nervous laugh.
These men were the Magi of the Bible.
As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit.
Myself when young did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint.
A Great Saint Appearing Slow Witted--An Analysis of Singer’s Gimpel the Fool from Freud’s Psychoanalysis
Another Analysis on the Pattern of Marriage Customs in "The Book of Odes"──A Consultation with Mr.MAO Zhong-xian on His Opinion;
Study on Han Fei’s Talent-appointment Thought;
重贤不尚贤 用贤且防贤——韩非贤能观初探
I once stupidly asked him why he smiled so often.
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