Amabiose, a new disaccharide derivative with a novel skeleton, was isolated from the rhizomes of Hemsleya amabilis .
从圆果雪胆的块茎中分离出一个结构新颖的双糖 雪胆双糖 (amabiose) ,应用DEPT、1 H 1 HCOSY ,HMQC等NMR多种核磁技术 ,对其结构进行研究 ,再经X ray单晶衍射实验确证其化学结构是一分子葡萄糖和一分子雪胆糖缩合而得 ,本文报道了雪胆双糖的NMR碳氢化学位移完全解
The novel successfully creates two heroines Yukiko and Taeko with distinctive peculiar personalities.
Because there is no an ideal model to describe the gas discharge,the electron avalanche is considered as the basic process in gas discharge.
The atmospheric pressure discharge in an air gap between two dielectric barrier electrodes has been studied experimentally and the development of an electron avalanche in such an air gap was simulated numerically.
利用介质阻挡电极结构 ,对 1 0 132 5× 10 5Pa气压下空气间隙中的放电进行了实验研究 ,数值模拟计算了实验条件下电子雪崩的发展过程 。
Transient response of photon avalanche, IOB and influence of system parameters on IOB are studied numerically.
A model of the photon avalanche in a four level coupled system is proposed.
Studies on Leaf Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Saussurea gossypiphora D Don;
The essential oil was extracted from the whole plants of Saussurea gossypiphora by steam distillation.
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