Discussion on Citizen's Right and Obligation on Pre-marriage Medical Examination;
On the Right and the Obligation of Owners Committee;
Legal rights and obligations of athletes participating in Olympic Games;
The compulsive disclosure duty of business operators;
An Analysis on the Right and the Duty of the Commercial Bank in Anti-money Laundering;
So the definition of the visitation rights, the main part and object of the visitation and their rights and responsibility, the practise of the visitation must be made clear.
This article analyzes medium-organization s particular status,its corresponding rights and responsibility,expounds its function in economic and social domains,puts forward government administration for its content and methods.
Distribution should be in line with the amount of contribution one makes and responsibility one fulfills.
在辨析按需分配、按德分配、按才分配、按贡献分配、平等分配等各种社会公正理论的基础上 ,可以确立 :( 1 )社会公正的实在原则 :贡献是权利的实在源泉和依据 ,社会分配给一个人的权利应该与他的贡献成正比 ,而与他的义务相等 ;( 2 )社会公正的潜在原则 :德与才是职务等权利的潜在源泉和依据 ,社会应该用人如器 ,根据每个人所具有的品德与才能的性质而分配与其相应的职务等权
Strengthening the Legal Consciousness of Periodical Editors for Their Awareness of the Rights and Obligations of the Publisher;
强化编辑的法律意识 明确出版者的权利义务
On the Responsibilities of the Infringement of Security Guarantee Obligations;
Based on the CMC抯 stipulation regarding the shipper and referring to the international trade practice on the FOB business, this paper analyses the FOB seller抯 legal status and its rights and obligations as a shipper.
Rights and Duties of Teachers in Elementary and Secondary Schools for Further Education in the Perspective of Teachers Professional Development;
In the document students rights and duties were added.
By tracking down the development of Chinese civil education outlook,we can see that Chinese civil educational outlook and western civil educational outlook show the trend of moving vis-à-vis in the relations among the citizens,the country and social relations,between civil rights and duties and between civil education and moral education.
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