Removal of Formaldehyde from indoor air by Pachira aquatica;
Studies on Development of Embryo and Plant Regeneration from Embryo in Vitro in Pachira aquatica;
Foot rot is a destructive disease in planting Pachira aquatica.
The interpretation of the origin of the Laba Limestone in the Permian Laba Formation in western Yunnan has been controversial for a long time.
The “Pseudo Laba Formation” of the Talalong Nanya outcrop belt of the west zone in the Changning Menglian belt was formerly classed as Permian, but now because of the discovery of conodonts and radiolarians, the age of this outcrop belt can be closely estimated as Late Devonian (Famennian) to Early Carboniferous.
根据牙形刺和放射虫的发现将原定为拉巴组的塔拉弄—南雅条带的时代厘定为晚泥盆世至早石炭世 ,时代大致与南皮河群的弄巴组或“中区”的“上泥盆统”相当 ,它们之间的确切关系仍有待进一步研究。
Laba Limestone: Recognition of Origin of Deep-water Carbonate Deposits and it s Significance;
On the Features of Harabaian Culture in Ancient India;
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