On Progressive Aspect and Persisting Aspect Zaizheli/nali in Modern Chinese
This dissertation committed to interpret the indeterminacy of existence in postmodern context through Jerzy Kosinski s notable novella Being There.
As he had twenty times touched at Leghorn, he remembered a barber in St.
The Leghorn barber said nothing and went to work.
In this state of mutual understanding, they reached Leghorn.
I will pay twenty-five piastres for my passage back to Leghorn.
Arrived at Leghorn, he repaired to the house of a Jew, a dealer in precious stones, to whom he disposed of four of his smallest diamonds for five thousand francs each.
If you do not want me at Leghorn, you can leave me there, and I will pay you out of the first wages I get, for my food and the clothes you lend me."
Preliminary estimates put the number of birds'nests there at over20000.
At the base of the pine tree, where the chicken slept, was a nest containing four more eggs.
From the rear he looked like an animal fashioning its nest.
Of, relating to, or located in an axil.
The branch gave way and Simon fell Into a dirty slough.
Pooch lived in a big doghouse that Dad had built of scrap wood behind a chicken-wire fence in our back yard.
普茨被安顿在我家后院铁丝鸡栏后面的一个大狗窝里。 那窝是我爸爸用零碎木板搭成的。
Little San-tse roared, pounding the flimsy table with his fist. "Didn't we all agree yesterday that if he bolts we'll wait down at his kennel till he comes back?"
那不是大家也说好了的么? 他躲开,我们守在他的狗窝里不走
The rest were disappointed, miserable creatures in unwarm beds, tearfully bemoaning their fate.
At night, she took the five sets to bed with her.Her husband was routed out, and had to share Ah Duo's bed.
"The arrowsnake will make her hole and put her eggs there, and get her young together under her shade: there the hawks will come together by twos."
It felt good to be in warm bed.
a member of the Livonian-speaking people of Latvia.
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