Susceptivity evaluation and protection countermeasures for the reservoir rocks in the first member of the Dongying Formation in the Nanpu region,Hebei;
Oil-gas exploration potential for above-source plays in Nanpu Sag;
High-quality source rocks in Nanpu Sag;
New Understandings on Rolling Exploration and Development of Es_3~(2+3) Reservoir in Liuzan Oilfield of Nanpu Sag;
Construction of characteristic curve and inversion of reservoir property:A Case study in Nanpu depression of Jidong oilfield.;
Neogene reservoirs and hydrocarbon accumulation in the Laoyemiao Oil Field,Nanpu depression,Hebei;
Sedimentary facies in the Neogene Guantao Formation in the Gaoliu structural zone,Nanpu depression;
Application of pre-stack multi-attribute inversion technology on igne-ous rock investigation in Nanpu oilfield,;
Paleozoic buried hill reservoir fracture prediction and exploration in Nanpu oilfield;
The tectonic activities in the Laoyemiao oilfield of the Nanpu depression displays mainly three aspects.
河北南堡凹陷老爷庙油田的构造活动主要表现为 3个方面 :(1)东营组时期同沉积断陷活动强烈 ,形成了庙北滚动背斜和庙南斜坡的两个构造单元 ;(2 )东营组一段和明化镇组时期 ,走滑作用加剧了断层发育 ,形成了平面上雁行状排列、剖面上似花状组合的断裂系统 ;(3)明化镇组晚期反转构造形成了众多的小背斜。
There are five sets of thick mudstones with wide distribution and low sediment change in the Lower Tertiary of the Nanpu Depression, which were deposited in medium-deep lake environment.
南堡凹陷下第三系内共发育了 5套厚层泥岩 ,属中 -深湖相沉积 ,具有分布广、厚度大、含砂率低等特点 ,对热、流体形成有效封盖作用 ,导致其内部及下伏地层高古地温梯度、高矿化度以及深蚀作用等异常带发育 ,同时也是研究区异常高压发育的主要原因之一。
On the basis of the full and accurate prospecting works,with the method of structural stress field numerical stimulation,in this paper the authors calculate the values of structural stress field in the Nanpu Depression at the late stage of Dongying in Cenozoic,and then describe the characteristics of its fluid potential.
依据翔实的勘探开发资料 ,利用构造应力场数值模拟方法 ,计算了南堡凹陷新生代东营末期构造应力场的分布特征 ;进而计算出流体势的分布特征 ;探讨了应力作用对油气运移的影响 ,分析了地应力与孔隙压力和流体势的关系 ;指出了油气运移的优选方向。
When perforating operation was performed in NP511 well in Nanbao oilfield,the perforator detonated at the wrong depth in the well ahead of schedule or before reaching the target intervals.
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