On "One Pavilion per Ten Li"——The Pavilion System in the Qin and Han Dynasties;
Effects of berberine, palmatine and total alkaloids from Rhizoma coptidis on cholinergic nerve;
Relaxant action of berberine,palmatine and total alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis on rat gastric fundus;
The separation of berberine and palmatine from the cortex ofPhellodendron chinense Schneid using high speedcountercurrent chromatography;
Rebels also fired mortar shells into a civilian area in Muttur near Trincomalee, killing at least two civilians.
People also can sit inside in a building called a pavilion.
Fan noise has been used in telephone booths to mask speech interference from adjacent booths.
I thought I'd take Henrietta, it would make a little break.
The Pilgrimage of "Redology";
On "One Pavilion per Ten Li"--The Pavilion System in the Qin and Han Dynasties;
You will find these listed in the front of the telephone book and on public telephones.
a freestanding public call box, containing a telephone and usually operated by inserting coins.
每个独立公共电话亭里有一部电话, 投进硬币, 就可以使用了。
The two of us were cramped in the telephone booth.
" I'm not like that," said Leymarie.
To the north of the four pavilions are two other interesting sights, the Ten Thousand Trees Garden and the Horse-taming Grounds. Here one finds both densely-grown and shadowy woods and open grasslands.
Once one crosses the pavilion-like structure, the main hall comes into view.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take a rest in the Imperial Garden. And you can also find pavilions, rare flowers and ancient pines and cypresses.
Just then the man in glasses came out of the backroom and came straight across to their table. It was Li Yu-ting, after all.
This was the very same pleasant arbour where Benedick had so lately been an attentive listener
And when Li Yu-ting comes along, it's not convenient to see him, so they leave him here to cool his heels alone-apparently Wu Sun-fu did not trust him any longer!
Prefaces of Kyokutebakin s Novels and Li Yu s View on Dramatics-novels;
As do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fellow workers.
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