Comparison of Architecture Culture between Wu and Chu;
The Evolution of the State Relationship and the Borderline between Wu and Yue During the Spring and Autumn Period
LU Xun won great victories in the war because the Wu Kingdom took a series of measures to stabilize the people s livelihood,buy popular support,spare no pains to win over the landlord.
陆逊之所以获胜 ,与吴国在夺取荆州的过程中及夺取后 ,采取了安定民生、收罗民心、竭力笼络荆州地主阶级、大力镇压荆州少数民族和积极备战等一系列措施密不可分 ,这才是吴胜蜀败的根本原因。
Wu Jie, an army general of importance in resisting the Jin peoples invasion at the early stage of South Song dynasty, died not of whore_indulging nor drug_taking, but of viscera verminosis, and the records and comments in History of Song Dynasty is, therefore, fairly misleading.
Changing characteristics of Wuqiao acrobatic costume;
Base on analysis of water resource in whole nation and Huanghuaihai plain of China, the cultivating techniques of water-saving and high-yielding in winter wheat that had been acquire at Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agricultural University are evaluated on its economic benefit and social benefit and ecological benefit.
Current Situation and Measures of Chinese Date Development in Wubu County;
The Wubu coal fields are abundant in coal resources.
Li Changchun Wu Yi (female) Wu Bangguo Wu Guanzheng Zhang Lichang
Thought on the Opening up of the Wasteland by the Peasants in the Early Period of Wu State from the Wu Slips:Discussion on the Difference of Opening up the Wasteland by the Peasants between the Wei State and the Wu State;
Hi! Good afternoon, Wu Hong.
Two eraser, Mr. Wood.
Studies in the Modern Wu Dialects
Deter mination of evodia mine,rutaecarpine and evodin in Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth by HPLC
Liu Jiayi Liu Xirong Li Zhilun Wu Guanzheng Wu Yuping (female)
刘家义 刘锡荣 李至伦 吴官正 吴毓萍(女)
(A = Mr. Wu; B = Waiter; C = Mrs. Wu; D = Friend)
"Four persons of Wu Zhong" gained the name for all of them were born in Wu.
Distinction and Cognition on Chu-Wei & Wu-Tou--Side Argumentation on Chu-Wu relations;
The Relationship between the Diao Taxes in Han and Sun-Wu Dynasties Seen in the Zoumalou Slips;
The Similarities &Differences of the Census System of the Han Dynasty and Wu Kingdom Based on Unearthed Bamboo Slips From Zoumalu;
Blood Lineage Between Wu and Royal Family of Zhou Dynasty" and It s Influence on the Royal Family of Wu;
Graves and Utensils in the Kingdom of Wu--All-embracing Multi-culture of Wu;
Study on determination of Evodiamine and Rutaecarpine in Fructus Evodiae from different origin
Study on extraction technology of the eviodiamine and rutaecarpine from evodia rutaecarpa(juss.).benth with microwave
type genus of the Bramidae.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Wood!
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