A new ortho-mode transducer(OMT)composed of double-septums in main wave guide and single-septum in side waveguide was proposed.
文章提出了主波导双模片侧臂波导单模片正交模耦合器(OMT),并采用电磁场时域有限差分(FDTD)算法与遗传算法(GA)来优化设计,给出了设计实例及其具体尺寸和电性能数值结果,正交模耦合器和喇叭的交叉极化电平达到-25 dB以下,带内驻波在1。
This article presents a detailed proof of a 3 dB lumped parameter quadrature coupler suitable for HF/VHF and gives a set of formulas for calculating element parameters.
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