Quality control of woollen yarn by the use of flat knitting machine;
Advanced apparatus and test method were used to study the influence of yarn tension on flat knitting machine.
利用瑞士产R -3 192型电子张力仪在针织横机上测试给纱张力 ,采用正交设计的方法制定试验方案 ,对张力曲线进行图像处理 ,据此利用数理统计的方法计算出均值与方差 ,确定对给纱张力波动影响最大的因素 ,用MATLAB语言编写整套程
The flat knitting machine producer Reutlinger Stoll GmbH & Co, Reutlingen/Germany will be present at the Pitti Filati in Florence, with its own stand and its own collection for spring/summer 2003.
针织横机生产商德国Stoll公司在佛罗伦萨德的PittiFilati自己的展台推出2 0 0 3春 /夏流行系列。
Dynamic simulation of driving mechanism of the full-automatic flat knitting machine for glove;
Research on the Improved Frontpiece and Fault Diagnosis of the Computerized Flat Knitting Machine;
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