Theoretic Analysis of Self-heating Oxidation Properties of Combustible Coal Seam;
So studying the self-heating process of sulfide ore pile is a precondition to develop the forecasting method of the spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore at the early stage.
On the basis of proposed model,we calculated the temperature distribution of the bulk-silicon high-voltage N-LDMOS operating in both linear and saturation region,discussed the self-heating effect by the different part of the device,and explained the different temperature distribution of the N-.
The characteristics of partial oxidation,catalytic partial oxidation and auto-thermal reforming technology were also introd.
Advances in autothermal reforming of methane to hydrogen;
Thermodynamically favorable operating conditions for production of hydrogen by methane autothermal reforming;
Effect of process conditions on performance of Ni/Al_2O_3 and Ni/CeO_2-Al_2O_3 catalysts for autothermal reforming of methane;
A further improvement of blister copper production technology is associated with production of white metal in autogenous smelting furnaces,continuous converting of high-grade copper mattes and generation of<0.
Special focus is placed on conventional autothermic converters, high-speed converters with blowing rates of up to 5 m3/(t·min) and allothermic converters with coal addition, post combustion and the possibility to increase scrap rates by up to 50%.
Replacing cuprammonia purification with full autothermic non-constant pressure methanolizing-methanation process;
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