The article makes a trial study of which colon can become complementary expression method of the notional segementation and strives for further perfecting the theory of the national segmentation.
The article,through an analysis of semantic features of all the 2160 colon structures in headlines which appeared in Russian Известия in 2006,argues that there exist between the two parts joined by colon such semantic relations as statement-object,topic-statement,statement-detail,event-consequence,argument-evidence,inference,supplement,cause-effect and purpose.
The article,through an analysis of semantic features of all the 2160 colon structures in headlines which appeared in People’s Daily in 2006,from the quantitative statistics and describtion to the qualitative analysis,summes up the semantic relationship of the two parts joined by colon.
Here, too, the colon must be followed by a dash.
这里也是一样, 应当在冒号后加破折号。
Punctuation marks such as the period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), and comma (,) are not recognized during a search.
My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.
Press the select button so that the colon (:) flashes
Style rule contains colon without pseudo class.
Name may not contain space, tab, or colon characters.
Colon Button\\015\\015Inserts a colon (:) in the formula bar at the location of the insertion point
An Overall Structural Comparison between Colon Classification and Chinese Library Classification;
"Valid addresses cannot contain plus or equals signs, or more than one colon or slash.
Error: capability must have exactly one colon, at column (%0)%1
错误: 功能必须只有一个冒号,位于 (%0)%1 列
All other colon separated fields are ignored at this time.
Error: property name cannot start with a colon, at column (%0)%1
错误: 属性名不能以冒号开头,位于 (%0)%1 列
A label is an identifier followed by a colon, like this:label1:
Each time the select button is pressed, the flashing digits change in the following order: year, month, day, hour, minute and colon (:)
The Adventure has just sailed back from Europe.
The signal flamed out on the hilltop.
setbacks that wrote finis to our venture.
Dense smoke coming out of No4 engine cowling( engine nacelle), fire suspected.
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