An Overview of the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign, 1949 - 1959;
Contemporary scan of the patriotic Complex in Yue Fei’s “Man Jiang Hong”;
Start from strong patriotic wish ,Liu Guangdi,as an intellectual, was bent on the reform movement, and brought forward his opinions on politics,economy and culture.
刘光第作为一个士大夫 ,出于爱国的强烈愿望 ,致力于维新运动 ,并在政治、经济、文化等方面提出了自己的主张。
Secondly, the patriotic ways should conform to the rationality, and comply with the situations of the countries.
THRENODY OF NATION——Plain discussion on WANG PENG-YUN S ci poetry of patriotism;
Under the banner of fighting Yuan and patriotism,Jiangxi patriotic Ci writers united a group in the Late Song Dynasty and the Early Yuan Daynasty.
The romance of Romantic monk is meaningful in the combinatory of his life and revolutionary idea,which refers to romance,patriotism,and anti-feudalism.
Comparing to her ci poems,there are more patriotic characteristics in Li Qing-zhao s poems,which has close relationship with her family background,personal experiences and rebelling spirit.
CHEN Yin que, a historian and patriot, had an infinite deep feeling towards his country and his people, and was always concerned about the territorial integrity of his motherland.
史学大师陈寅恪的爱国之情 ,主要包括他的“归正首丘”之义 ,对国家领土完整的关注 ,对民族气节的尊崇 ,以及忧国忧民的忧患意识。
Some Issues of Military Patriotic Health Campaign in the New Period;
Enhancing Spirits of Patriotism Based on the Globalization Background;
Comment on Chinese modern aeronautical historical materials and the patriotism education;
Patriotism Education Attachment and Reinforcement;
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