pressure forming,transfer pressure forming,injection forming,extrusion forming and secondary cure,were introduced,and the preparation of general mixed silicone rubber(high & low hardness mixed silicone rubber),as well as the preparation of mixed silicone rubber for press key(low exudation silicone rubber for press key and dynamic fatigue resistant silicone rubber for press key).
With the bi-colour plastic key as an example,the technical requirement,structure characteristics,working process and main design points of the injection mould for bi-colour plastics are analyzed.
MCS-51 system is mostly controlled with keys.
This paper introduces a microcontroller interface circuit designed by using a keyboard/display chip ZLG7289B.
Thispaperintroducesadesignandrealizationofamulti -purpose timer based on AT89C2051 and operated with only one push button, and details the usage of the unique button, also presents the key program.
本文介绍了以AT89C2051单片机为核心,仅用单个按键进行操作的数字计时系统的设计与实 现方法,详细说明了如何通过这唯一的按键完成对定时器的查阅、校时、设定定时等所有操作,并给出了程 序的关键实现代码。
Design of Injection Mold for Button Based on CAD/CAE/CAM;
the article passes 5 designs specification,how to import in the button consuming with being as far as possible more than stopping coming true under I/O resource.
A software implement of anti-jamming and repeating of keystroke;
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