Citizens' Association for Racial Equality
Safeguarding equality among ethnic groups and promoting their unity.
People in Equal Participation
To Realize Educational Equalization of National Area,to Promote the Construction of Harmonious Society of National Area;
实现民族地区教育公平 促进民族地区和谐社会建设
Promoting Social Equality,Fairness and Constructing a Harmonious Society;
Improve Benefit Coordinating Mechanism,Promote Social Equity and Justice;
完善利益协调机制 促进社会公平公正
"We will consolidate and enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance and promote common prosperity and progress for all our ethnic groups."
This will forcefully promote economic and social development in these regions, and the full realization of the equal rights of ethnic minorities.
Research on the Main Problems and Strategies of Minority Education in Modern China
The Race Relations Amendment Act now places a positive duty on universities to promote race equality.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Promoting High Education Fairness for a Socialist Harmonious Society;
促进高等教育公平 构建社会主义和谐社会
Sticking to the Scientific Developing Outlook , Promoting the Ethnic Higher Education;
坚持科学发展观 促进民族高等教育 全面协调可持续发展
Strengthening Folk Women s Organizational Ability to Promote the Sexual Harmony and Equality of the Society;
增强民间妇女组织能力 促进社会性别和谐平等
Socialist ethnic relationships based on equality, solidarity and mutual assistance were further developed.
Realizes the Equality of the Sexes,Promotes Society Harmonious Delopment;
Developing the Higher Education of Adult and Promoting the Equity of Higher Education;
发展成人高等教育 促进高等教育公平
Council for Education in World Citizenship
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