The Relationship of Ozone Low over Scandinavian with the Surface Temperature of the North Atlantic;
Origin of the Aptian Albian High Cyclic Oceanic Red Beds in the ODP Hole 1049C,North Atlantic:Mineralogical Evidence;
Research on Millennial Scale Climate Change Period Recorded in North Atlantic Deep-sea Sediments in Early Pleistocene;
The construction of concrete cut-off wall of Daxi Reservoir;
More Water Resources Serving for the South-North Water Transferring Project to Maintain Sustainable Development of West-North Region of China——A Supplemental Plan of the South-North Water Transferring Project;
Studies of Distribution and Variabilities of Wave Height Entropy in the Atlantic Ocean;
Preliminary analyses on the biological features of main catches by longline in the Atlantic Ocean;
Age and growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the Atlantic Ocean;
Artificial reproduction experiment disquistion to characters of land locked Atlantic salmon;
Advances on the nutrient requirement of Atlantic salmon were reviewed in order to provide reference for further researches and exploitations of new formulated feeds.
After eyed eggs of Land~locked Atlantic Salmon were imported,the larvae was hatched out at the incubation water temperature of 3~11℃when the accumulated temperature is 140~221(t·d),and the hatching rate is 85%,Raised by using rivers at low water temperature for 2 years,we have harvested 100 thousand fries.
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