We must bring every positive factor into play widely and fully ,make all kinds of sources that create public wealth gush fully in order that we can build a comfortable society and realize the Chinese national rejuvenation.
全面建设小康社会 ,实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,必须最广泛最充分地调动一切积极因素 ,让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流。
This paper elucidates that it need to be in preparation from nine facets to do the work of bring the active factors into play in the well-off society construction of Qinghai province.
To motivate the People s active factors in China.
调动积极因素,必须以改革为动力,利益原则和精神激励杠杆,发展生产力,满足人民需要为根本,遵循客观规律 为原则。
It s necessary to intensively activate all positive factors to fulfill the idea of "Three Representatives;
On bring the positive factors in the new era, we should not copy the modus operandi in the planed economy, but make the new clue and introduce the new counter measure according to the new changes.
新时期调动积极因素 ,不可照搬计划经济时期的做法 ,只能根据新情况新变化 ,创设新思路 ,提出新对策。
One of the basic principles of the Communist Party of China is to bring all positive factors into full play.
Sufficient utilization of all positive factors ——Discussion on consolidation and development of united front at new times;
Their strong identification with their own musical culture is also the positive factor in this inheritance.
The results show that the positive factors mainly embrace the following aspects: improving health, seeking the feelings of inspiration and relaxation from exercises, adjusting mood, hoping to increase new learning contents and so on: while the negative factors are principally that the interest in P.
结果表明 :积极因素主要包括增进健康、追求运动带来的振奋感和放松感、调节情绪、希望增加新的学习内容等 ;消极因素主要是体育学科观念淡薄、体育课教学形式呆板、教师业务水平不高、缺乏场地设施
We must bring all positive factors into play.
We must transfer all active factor.
The government should bring all the positive factors into full play in the interest of the nation's construction
Sufficient utilization of all positive factors --Discussion on consolidation and development of united front at new times;
We should call all positive factors into play, unite with everyone that can be united with
On How to Arouse All the Positive Factors in the Stage of Overall Constructing Well-off Society
Fully Understand the Important Role of Safeguarding Private Property in Bringing Every Positive Factor into Play;
It s necessary to intensively activate all positive factors to fulfill the idea of "Three Representatives;
Calling All the Positive Factors into Action to Increase the Strength for National Vitalization --The Investigation of the Present Development Situation of New Social Strata in Harbin
The United Front and Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way--On the Significance of Bringing All Positive Factors in to Full Play;
统一战线与全面建设小康社会 试论调动一切积极因素的重要性及其实现途径
In order to build harmonious society in socialistic country,local government must actuate all positive factors to boost up the whole social creativity;
To mobilize all active forces is the basic guideline for economic construction. The relationships among all fields should be dealt with properly.
One personal ability is limited after all , is that every positive factor is completed commonly in moving a club more much.
Discussion on How to Motivate People s Enthusiasm by using the Two-Factor Theory;
It is one of mobilizing all positive forces to build socialism.
Positive Psychological Factor:Key to Improvement of Music Appreciation Level;
The Deng Xiaoping s Important Idea On Accelerating Active Factors;
Activate the Positive Factors of Psychological Demands to Cultivate the Young Teachers;
调动心理需求的积极因素 培养青年教师
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