As its vital component, administrative legal aid has been playing a crucial role in guaranteeing human rights and facilitating judicial impartiality and Social Justice.
Legal Aid Department Law Clerks Association
Publicly funded legal aid services are provided through the Legal Aid Department and the Duty Lawyer Service.
The Legal Aid Department provides legal aid services to any person in Hong Kong, resident or non-resident, who satisfies the criteria for legal aid.
The council is chaired by a non-official who is not in the legal profession. Its members include lawyers, lay members and the Director of Legal Aid.
The Legal Aid Panel is a list maintained by the Director of Legal Aid that consists of barristers and solicitors in private practice who are willing to undertake legal aid work.
Upon the granting of legal aid, the aided person's case is assigned either to a lawyer in private practice or to a lawyer of the Legal Aid Department.
supplementary provision may be sought if necessary. This ensures that the grant of legal aid is not prejudiced by financial constraint.
The Secretary for Justice's Office provides legal and administrative support to the Secretary for Justice in respect of her many functions.
It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day-to-day operation.
It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day to day operation.
The Director of Legal Aid has been appointed Official Solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1, 1991.
The Director of Legal Aid has been appointed as the Official Solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1, 1991.
The Government Should Provide Legal Aid to Better Perform Its Duty:Summary of Legal Aid Services in Beijing;
认真履行政府责任 积极开展法律援助——北京市法律援助工作纪要
The Director of Legal Aid has the responsibility to monitor the progress and expenditure of the cases assigned out.
The choice of lawyer in criminal cases rests solely with the Director of Legal Aid, who may take an aided person's nomination into account in selecting a suitable lawyer to represent him.
In addition, legal aid centers at various levels will intensify publicity to let the legal aid system be widely known to the public.
On the measurements of death penalty and the media triaI
Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme
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