On three-time anti-corruptions of three-time society changes in the history of the People’s Republic of China;
Effectiveness PW pattern establishment and its application to the anti-corruption;
On the Dialectical Thought of Jiang Ze-min s Anti-corruption;
The abundant Mao Zedong Thoughts on anti corruption and their practice can be summarized as such characteristics: highly stressing anti corruption work, undertaking education on "combat corruption and promote honesty administration" in a deep going way, highlighting indispensable approaches against anti corruption, strictly punishing corrupt elements, and ruling state and party by laws.
毛泽东反腐败的思想与实践内容丰富 ,概括起来有如下特点 :对于反腐败予以高度重视 ,深入持久地进行反腐倡廉的教育 ,不可缺少的反腐败的手段和方法 ,严厉惩治腐败、依法治党治国 ,毛泽东的反腐败思想对于当前正在进行的党风建设和深入开展的反腐败斗争 ,具有一定的指导意义。
Therefore,to ensure the efficiency of anti corruption,it is indispensable to lower the cost of anti corruption,and to elevate the cost of corruption through various ways:1.
转轨国家要保证反腐败的有效性 ,就必须有效降低反腐败的成本 ,增大腐败的成本 ,今后反腐败措施是 :1。
In new environment,it is of great necessity to be clearly aware of the basic characteristic and complecated relationship between socialist market economy and anti corruption.
在新形势下 ,认清发展社会主义市场经济与反腐败斗争的复杂关系和基本特点 ,是非常必要的。
All of these have much value to our country s anticorruption job.
Anticorruption needs not only to know the reasons of corruption but also to understand the resistance of anticorruption.
These anticorruption ideas,on the one hand,are the inheritance of the root ones and they are mainly embodied in the following aspects: the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the punishment of corruption,puts much emphasis on the ideological and political education,pays special attention to the democratic supervision and lays stress on the idea that cadres .
Deng Xiao-ping Theory is the Party s guiding ideology,and his idea of fight against corruption is an important component of this Theory and also a review of the experience gained during his long-term struggle against corruption.
Jiang s remarks has greatly enriched the theory of building the honesty and cleaning of the CPC, and offered ideological weapon for us to carry out the CPC central committee s instruction to fight against corruption.
This artical expounds the importance of fight against corruption.
阐述了反腐败斗争的重要性 ,提出要在实践中全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 ,必须在树立正确的权力观、完善权力配置、深化干部人事制度改革、落实党风廉政建设责任制、强化对行政权力的制约和监督、加大反腐败力度等方面采取有效措施 ,深入开展反腐败斗争。
On the concept of establishing legal mechanism against corruption;
In fighting against corruption, people as the principal force are playing a leading role, and the chief means of peoples′ fighting against corruption are: the supervision of people, strengthening the legal system and masses struggles, etc.
人民群众在反腐败斗争中处于主体地位 ,起着最根本的作用 ,是反腐败的主力军。
Measures taken in 1950s to build a clean government and combat corruption;
To strengthen the ideological and political work is one of the effective ways to combat corruption.
ICAC and the International Anti-corruption Cooperation;
Research about Corruption and Counter-Corruption for China Railway System;
Corruption and Anti-corruption: Viewed from System and Frame;
Corruption Situation in Russia and Anti-corruption Policy Study;
The Analysis of the Current Situations, Causes and Countermeasures of Corruption and Anticorruption;
A Brief Essay on Right and Corruption--Consideration of Jurisprudencd against Corruption;
On the cost of corruption--A new perspective on reinforcing anti-corruption
Anticorruption: People-orientated--Analysis of Anticorruption’s New Principle;
reformers thundering against corruption
Reinforce the momentum of anti-corruption drive
to deepen the anticorruption campaign
Inter-American Convention Against Corruption
anti-corruption and transparency group
On the Evaluation Criterion and Implementation of Global Anti-corruption Strategy and Achievement;
The United Nations Anti-Corruption Referendum:What can be Drawn on for China s Anti-Corruption Drive;
When fighting corruption, it is more useful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it.
A Study on the Causes of Corruption at This Stage and Its Corresponding Sollutions;
On Contemporary Corruption Actuality and the Building and Improvement of Anti-corruption Scheme and System;
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