Influence of Yangtze flood control projects on rare aquatic animals and fishes;
Progress of calculation methods for economic benefits of flood control projects;
Application of reinforced earth retaining wall in Huaihe river flood control project;
Analysis of environmental effect and protecting plans of Fen River downstream flood control works;
Effect of flood control works on value of real estate along the rivers and its quantitative model studies;
Muddy soil construction technology considerations for the lower Mulan Creek flood control works;
Also author puts forward the some important dimetions of new maerials for flood control engineering.
This paper introduced that flood control engineering,and situation,as well as flood historical in Qiqihar,which is an important city in the west of Heilongjiang,and finally put forwerd the flood control tactics for the city.
介绍黑龙江省西部重镇齐齐哈尔市的防洪工程、汛情和历史洪水简况 ,提出城市防洪对策。
Watershed flood control engineering system is a complex system consisted of random,fuzzy,unascertainable uncertainties,which has taken up the main part of the flood disaster management.
The passage lists part of existing flood prevention projects of Liaohe River Valley in Liaoning Province,including reservoirs,flood gates,and embankments.
Aimed at existing issues in current flood prevention projects and combining with consideration of characteristics of flood prevention project construction in each reach of the river, it should be made during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period to perfect flood prevention project.
针对现状防洪工程存在的问题 ,结合各河段的防洪工程建设特点 ,“十五”期间应逐步完善防洪工程体系 ,提高工程防御洪水能力 ,满足区域经济发展对防洪的要求。
Because there are long distance of range, many sites and scattered locations of the Yellow River flood prevention projects, survey of project sections will cost much time and energy if the traditional ways are applied.
黄河防洪工程线路长、点多、段落分散 ,采用传统方法测绘工程断面费时耗力。
Study on the landscape model of flood-control projects in medium and small-sized cities in the middle or lower reaches of Yangtze River;
Chapter IV Administration of Flood Control Areas and Flood Control Works
第四章 防洪区和防洪工程设施的管理
A flood control protected area means an area protected by flood control works according to flood control standards.
Study on Model of Flood Prevention of City and Application on Flood Prevention Engineering of Zhenjiang;
Economic benefits of flood control project system in west of Shahe River and Luohe River
Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects
Flood Control Project Construction Since Last Year
III. Characteristics of flood control project construction since last year.
Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Flood Controlling Project Systems;
Study on Programming Scheme for Flood Control in Nanxi River, Yongjia County;
Research of Rivers Flood Prevention Engneering Influence Appraisal Factor Analysis;
Progress of calculation methods for economic benefits of flood control projects;
Formation of the evaluation model for urban flood control planning projects
Flood control planning constitutes the bas is for the control of rivers and lakes and the construction of flood control works.
Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal engineerings(flood protection)
Information System for Flood Control in Daqing
A Study on Engineering of the Flood Control of Main Stream in NianChu River of Tibet;
Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area
The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;
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