The path analysis model of relationship between land price,house price,investment in real estate and vacancy rate of building is established through the discuss and research of literature.
Strengthening the repair management for houses equipment and preventing the sink cracks;
加强房屋设备维修管理 防止房屋设备下沉裂缝
In order to reasonably tap the latent value of existing old houses and raise the using effect of funds,method of using annual-cost method is put forward to determine the best time of old house alteration.
为了合理挖掘现有旧房屋的潜力 ,提高旧房改造资金的使用效果 ,提出了用费用比较法来确定房屋的最佳改造时间 ,不仅使旧房屋的价值得到充分利用 ,也为合理确定旧房改造时间提供了 1种定量的计算方
The damage of mountain torrents to houses is to be aggravated as the ecologic environment worsen and the loss is to be increased as the people s living standards rising.
Design and Implement of House Sale Management Information System Based on B/S Model;
Preliminary Research on the House Building Technology in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties;
Exploration into fast calculation of bill of quantities for housing;
The public housing maintenance fund which is special money put together by housing owners aims at ensuring normal using of mutual construction function.
It protects both sides benefits in housing bargain.
8 earthquakes in 2003,the kinds of buildings are classified and their structure characteristics are discussed.
Among these historical cultural heritages,it isn’t difficult for us to find out that the form,development and evolution of the buildings of the New Stone Age run through the whole history devel.
The lessee’s preemptive right over leased buildings is a legal right provided by the PRC Contract Law.
The comparison and analysis of building additional layer transformation;
Elementary Research on Construction Technology of Glued Laminated Bamboo Wood Building;
The influences and test brought about by the law of property on the registration of building property right;
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