A Rough Talk about the Nationality of the Art of Flying Apsaras in China;
In Buddhism, flying Apsaras is the most popular art with endless aesthetics implications.
Flying apsaras as a exotic flower in the art of the Dunhuang mural isdistinctive in numerous subjects on the art of Buddhism.
On the base of further analyzing the traits of geopark and tour fanning village, combining with the concrete characteristics of Feitianshan national geopark, imagination and suggestion on building a new tourism model of Feitianshan geopark combining with tour farming village were brought forward.
In the article, the traits, exploitation, construction and protection of tourist resources of Feitianshan National Geopark were expounded, and the thought and suggestion on establishing ecological tourism brand were put forward.
Soft-Device Clustering and Its Application in Animation of Dunhuang Feitian;
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