The law should be amended, a series of concrete solutions being "the equal vote""thedirect election""the scientific division of the constituencies", and "the professionalism of deputies".
The election system has been improved in recent years on the basis of past experience. For instance, more candidates are posted than the number of deputies to be elected, instead of an equal number as before.
Hare Quota [of votes]
fill(up)a vacancy by election
The List Voting System operating under the Largest Remainder formula, which is a form of proportional representation voting, is adopted.
Corporate bodies in various sectors shall, on their own, elect members to the Election Committee, in accordance with the number of seats allocated and the election method as prescribed by the electoral law.
Like men, they have the right to elect and to be elected.
a close contest, match, election, etc
势均力敌的竞赛、 比赛、 选举等
The election procedures manifest the principles of openness, democracy and equality.
Thinking about Urban and Rural Residents Having Equal Legal Right to Vote
Clause 4:When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
When vacancies happen in the representation from any State the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies.
Article10. Women shall enjoy the equal right, with men, to vote and to stand for election.
The number of deputies to the local people's congresses at various levels and the manner of their election shall be prescribed by the electoral law.
Some delegation members were surprised to find that Wang Wenke, candidate of the township's deputy head nominated by Tan Xiaolin, was not elected.
Nevertheless, these are problems in the process of advancement, to which the Chinese government has attached high importance.
To my surprise, delight, annoyance, etc the Labour Party won the election, ie Their winning caused me surprise, delight, etc.
工党在选举中获胜, 真让我吃惊、 高兴、 烦恼等.
To my surprise, delight, annoyance, etc the labour party win the election.
The exercises to develop leg strength can select leg raise et al.
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