The policy to enrich the people is an important component part of DENG Xiao-ping s theory;he considered that the essence of socialism was “to become common rich at last”.
His ideology regarded "love the people"as the emotional foundation,"enrich the people" as the economic demands,"for the political ethics" as the political ideal,"education for all without discrimination" as the educational advocate.
Hence he adopted a series of policies aimed at favouring the people s livelihood to enrich the people and also made encouraging achievements.
Mencius economic thought of obliging and enriching people was rich in content.
Tang Zhen centers upon enriching people and puts forward some reformation ideas of great historic significance such as establishing the country based on enriching people and forming households; agriculture-orientedness and equality of agriculture and business; eliminating vermin and becoming rich through diligence.
Deng Xiao-ping s thought of enriching people is based on the essence of socialism, which runs through the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Meanwhile,the rich men played an important role in the relief activities.
The Song Dynasty was a period in ancient China when quite a few relief supplies were provided, of which the rich men s involvement was quite conspicuous.
宋代是我国古代灾荒救济较多的时代 ,其中富民参与灾荒救济是一个引人注目的新变化。
Tang Peng′s economical reforming idea included “enriching the people” and“managing the financial affairs” and “stressing on commerce”.
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