And it stresses the standardization of investment and improvement of investing environment, in which simple adminstration, explicit and complete system, prerfect market and personnel system are stressed.
文章着重就我国加入世界贸易组织后 ,如何按世贸组织的规则规范投资行为 ,改善投资环境 ,更好地吸引外资方面 ,提出了行政简单化、法制清晰化、完备化、市场条件、人员素质优化的想法 ,以充分利用“入世”带来的机遇 ,为进一步开放市场发展经济做好准
Analysls of tire equipment efficiency and discussion of improvement;
Progress in plasticizing characteristic improvement of domestic PVC;
Landscape architecture and improvement of coal enterprises;
The Measure to Improve the Structural Performance of the Short Main Frusta Rigid Frame Bridge;
Measures to improve the axial compression ratio performances of lower columns for high-rise building;
Objective To discuss the method how to ameliorate the quality of the middle-old-aged woman sex life.
The paper introduces the characteristics and using forms of urban underground space, sets forth the central urban environment problem these days , analyzes the effect of using underground space to urban environment, and puts forward the measures of using underground space to ameliorate urban environment.
The Way of Improving the Bidding and Cantract Management of Qingjiang Hydropower Project;
Taking the old industrial city of Shenyang as a typical example,this paper analyses and summaries the birth of the decision for improving the environmental air quality,the implementation of the comprehensive rectification measures and the obtained benefits during the 10th Five-plan Period.
Study of the effect on water quality improvement by removal of algal blooms using modified sediment;
Water-lifting aerator is a water quality improvement device which is used to restrain algae growth and pollutant releasing from sediment in lakes and reservoirs,and a good effect was obtained from applications.
Effect of water quality improvement for source water from Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu through the use of Eco-concrete was studied.
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