China s rules of personal housing loan management ought to be improved.
为了完善我国的个人住房贷款管理法规 ,提出三项主要建议 :扩展个人住房贷款的用途范围 ;扩大贷款对象的范围 ;完善关于贷款担保的规
In recent years,the commercial bank regards the personal housing loan as the high-quality loan,so it has been developing business of personal housing loan in a more cost-effective manner all the time.
Because of the good profits of personal housing loan, all commercial banks step into this field, but it also has market risk.
个人住房贷款因具有良好的收益性而成为各商业银行竞相进入的领域 ,但同时也存在较大的市场风险。
The Risk Management Research on Individual Housing Loan in Commercial Bank;
This paper makes an analysis of the causes for the risks of individual housing loans so as to provide some information for the establishment of mechanisms for preventing such risks.
我国个人住房贷款的风险正日益积累却没有得到充分重视 ,可能成为未来银行不良贷款增加的重要因素之一。
With the boom of the real estate industry in China,the amount of individual housing loans expand rapidly,and the risks are growing as well.
With the rapid development of individual loan business for commercial banks,great changes have aken place in its function,nature and management,etc.
The “housing slave” is s new expression in China, referring to people who use most of their salary to repay bank loans due to soaring housing prices.
houses purchased with loans from building societies
A New Coagent in House-purchasing: Housing Loans for Personal Re-transactions
Housing loans purchased at the time of the assignment, the assignee can apply for housing loans to individuals housing?
How to export the Housing foreigners purchase mortgages?
The China Construction Bank offered mortgage loan to commercial residence house Buyers
Can jointly apply for the purchase of second-hand housing provident fund loans?
Personal house purchase loan means a loan lent by bank to the borrower for purchasing a self-used common housing.
and the majority buy their homes with a mortgage loan from a bank.
There are mortgages to purchase second-hand housing options?
The Present Conditions,Problems and Countermeasures of Home Mortgage Loan in China;
The Legal Problems of Buy-back Clause in Mortgage of House for Loaning;
Traditionally, S&Ls collected small savers' deposits and invested them in long-term home mortgages.
The market for mortgages is very new so most homebuyers don't have much collateral for obtaining a loan.
Can use only, can use commercial loan only when you buy the 2nd flatlet, accrual borrows money than accumulation fund slightly tall.
(f) providing guarantee for auto purchase financing.
basic rule [Housing Loan Scheme]
(b) extending loans for auto purchase.
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