During the Anti-Japanese War,Chinese nation face crisis that ruin the state and destroy the race,strive for national independence become the primary objective for anti-Japanese base area and the national people.
In this paper, the authors deal with the necessity of the Chinese people to win independence and national unity and the relationship between national independence, the Chinese revolution and the Chinese modernization.
依据马克思主义关于人类社会发展的三大社会形态理论的论述 ,深刻剖析了近代中国争取民族独立和国家统一的必要性 ,以及民族独立、中国革命与中国现代化之间的辩证关系。
In the former decades we realized national independence under the leadership of the CPC and explored the the road of socialism so as to lay solid foundation for reform and opening up.
He was affirmed that professional education can be used to benefit the people only in a society of national liberation, democratic equality where the people feel happy.
Anti-Japanese War is not war of national liberation of a complete victory,because we have not obtained complete independence and liberation.
The nationalism and feminism of the colony/the Third World countries play an important role in the changes of gender concepts,the female liberation movement,the national liberation movement and the establishment and development of the nation-state.
The novel Anil\'s Ghost written by Michael Ondaatje conveys the author\'s expectation that ethnic conciliation can be achieved by inter-subjective communication.
Although Deng Yan-da s "socialist" contemplation doesn t belong to socialism in essence, it has been practised by many Asian, African and Latin-American national independent countries at certain level.
We have fulfilled the task of new democratic revolution and realized national independence and the liberation of the people.
"Finally, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they won national independence and liberation and founded New China."
Movimento Nacional para a Libertacao e Indepemdencia de Timor-Dili
The Chinese people waged wave upon wave of heroic struggles for national independence and liberation and for democracy and freedom.
Countries want independence, nations want liberation and the people want revolution--this has become the irresistible trend of history.
For eight long years the Chinese people fought heroically against Japanese imperialism for their own liberation and national independence.
Realizing national independence and national liberation, this is compatriot's ideal of hard struggle forit one century ago.
"Following World War II, the people of many countries under colonial rule were emancipated and won independence."
Shan State Nationalities People's Liberation Organization
National Front for the Liberation of the Khmer People
United National Independence Party
After the founding of the PRC this principle remained of utmost importance.
中华民族获得独立解放后 ,继续坚持这一原则尤为重要。
The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire gained independence during the tide of national liberation movement in Africa after World War II.
Khmer People's National Liberation Front
And only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation.
Against the People's Liberation Army and the People's Liberated Areas, which had rendered extraordinary service in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
We're always with your government and people in your struggle for national independence
After the founding of New China in 1949, the Chinese government abolished all ethnic oppression and discrimination, and liberated the minority peoples.
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