The dynamics mechanism of Nangong depression is ensured based on its structure developing evolution.
It is also pointed out that the accusation in a way reflected an intention to protect the legitimate status of the professional astronomers such as Nangong Yue and Chen Xuanjing who represented the official astronomical bureau.
"Out of its place comes the storm-wind, and the cold out of its store-houses."
Nangong Sanxin Natural Pigment Co., Ltd.
Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
Comprehensive Notation for Southern and Northern Ci-Poetry
On the Five Improprieties of the Formats in "Great Courtly Treasure of Ci from South and North"
Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to the South London.
A Study on the Tune Sort of Shizi Xu in Nanqu Jiugong Zhengshi;
The roads leading to the palace, both from the north and from the south, were in days gone by lined by busy market-places and fair grounds well-known to the local inhabitants who could get both native products and imported goods from them.
Thoughts of Nan Jiugong and its correlation of Notation;
Excavation of the Site of the Royal Residence of the Nanyue Kingdom in Guangzhou from 1995 to 1997
"Who made the Bear and Orion, and the Pleiades, and the store-houses of the south:"
The Tower for Praying for Winds at the summit of Nanping Mountain is also known as Wu'Hou'Gong or the Temple of Zhuge Liang.
Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
The Rectification of Explanation of Lament-Article-Tablet of Kangling Underground Palace in Southern Han;
A Review of the Book Palace-and-garden Sites of the Nanyue State:Report on the Archaeological Excavation there in 1995 and 1997
Celastrus Orbiculatus Thunb Extract Induced Apoptosis of Cervical Cancer Hela Cells
Survey of incidence of cervitis in 10 389 women in Hainan Province
"Versailles, Palace of (1660~1669): Baroque palace southwest of Paris Built chiefly under Louis XIV."
凡尔赛宫 (1660~1669): 巴黎西南方巴洛克宫廷,主要建于路易十四世。
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