The management system of computer stocking and it s common analysis;
Auditing stock irregularities through analytical programme;
Impact of defective items on (Q,r,L) inventory model involving controllable setup cost;
On the ending measurement of inventory by the New inventory standards;
A Brief Analysis of the Impact of Inventory Impairment Reserve on Income tax;
The Ministry of Finance has drawn up on November 9,2001,This standard becomes operative from September 1,2002 This standard further prescribes inventories scope, definitions?recognition?measurment and cost of inventories,ect This article is about the discussion on the comparison of international acounting standard and any other county s standard
财政部 2 0 0 1年 11月 9日发布了《企业会计准则———存货》 (以下简称新准则 )并从 2 0 0 2年 9月 1日起 ,暂在股份有限公司施行。
The study mainly compared inventories and fixed assets accounting of Chinese agricultural enterprise to that of American in order to find some differences between them.
The paper makes a brief elaboration on the variation of new and old ordinance and the influence on the accounting affairs after the revision of existing stock accounting ordinance.
Therefore,has not realized the internal sale profit is carries on the goods in stock interior transaction to offset proc.
Goods in stock occupies an important proportion in most enterprise capital rational selected evaluation methods will be important influenced on market results,selected different methods will lead to different cost level,report profit,and caused the larger influence on revenue bear,cash in flowing of enterprise.
Setting up “Non-currency Assets Trade Item” can authorize the exchange of raw and processed materials such as goods in stock.
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