The Characteristic of the Stock Returns in Chinese Securities Markets;
So we assume that the relation of unexpected earnings and unexpected stock returns is nonlinear.
To set rate of equity returns is a critical step for long-term investment decisions,but in a realistic irrational world,it s not easy to do that using CAPM familiar in standard financial theory.
In order to disclose the long-term ROI of Chinese A-Share stock markets, SSE 180 Index is selected as the representative of Chinese A-Share stock markets and its dividend yield, return on right offering, capital gain and return on investment, paper.
The Relationship of Growth with Stock Market Returns in the Small and Medium-sized Information Technology Industry to be Listed Based on the Dynamic Panel Data Model;
Buy stocks with a 20-year investing horizon, and have realistic expectations for them.
New Medicine Supply the Market Risk and Stock Repayment Real Diagnosis Analysis;
Liquidity and Predictable Return of Shares:An Experimental Test;
An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Public Information and Market Activities;
Trading Activity and Stock Return--Evidence from Shanghai Stock Exchange;
The top-down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyse stocks. It advocates that the economy and effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks.
The top-down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyse stocks. It advocates that the economy and industry effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks.
这是 个系统化的股票分析方式,认为经济和行业是决定股票回报的重要因素。
Using two kinds of models, we can shed light on the some behaviors of stock returns.
Tech stocks led the charge. Dow component Intel gained 2.3%, and Apple rose 3.2%. Energy shares benefited from higher crude-oil prices, while industrial stocks fed off the strong durables report.
Medium and Long-term returns overreaction in domestic stock market;
The returns obtained from investing in a share can be broken down into two components - capital gain and dividend yield.
In these cases the company cost of capital and the expected return on the stock are the same thing.
The investors purchase shares and long-term debt in the expectation of nothing more than a financial return on the investment.
This is the percentage return you will get if you buy the shares at the stated price.
If he sells the remainder of his stock at that point, he's still made a profit of $ 6,000 -- a return of 60% .
An economic model for valuing stocks by relating risk and expected return.
The underperformance of growth stocks is linked to an overenthusiasm for extrapolation.
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