There years ago, we grouped them into the force of the reserve duty, and the military administration was carried out among them.
近 3年来 ,我们将她们编入预备役部队 ,对其实行军事化管理。
To inquire into the require of the military hospital should adapt the military struggle preparation, it is expounded in this article that actualizing plan and the signification of the employed staff should be brought into the reserve duty management in the military hospital, the experience should be provided for the management of the employed staff in the military hospital.
为探讨军队医院适应军事斗争准备的需要 ,本文阐述了军队医院将聘用人员纳入预备役管理的实施方案及其意义 ,为军队医院聘用人员的管理提供经
Therefore, the core and key step of management of reserved duty officers will be how to evaluation and incentive reserve officers.
According to the features and the development requirements of army reserve unit,this paper puts forward the idea for establishing the army reserve unit database system,analyzes the targets of the system,introduces the design ideas,design requirements,components of each part and the targets of the army reserve unit system database.
Reserve junior officers: reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant.
The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant.
Officers discharged from active service may be transferred to the officers reserve if they are qualified to serve in the latter.
reserve troops held at the ready
followed by four years in the reserve or National Guard.
The PLA's reserve force is a force with its preset organizational structure, with the reserve personnel as the base and active personnel as the backbone.
Zemin Jiang stresses the need to improve the work of militia and reserves
Performance Evaluation and Motivation of Reserve Officers
The PLA is made up of both active and reserve components. Its total force is maintained below the 2,500,000-strong mark.
Additional soldiers must be recalled to active duty in the face of this military threat.
Army ROTC students typically serve three or four years of active duty,
Male citizens who belong to the 18-35 age group and are fit for military service, excluding those enlisted for active service, shall be regimented into militia units to perform reserve service.
Article 27. The maximum age for officers in active and reserve services shall be stipulated in the Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the Military Service of Officers.
Article 4 In accordance with the nature of service, the military ranks shall be classified into ranks for officers in active service and ranks for officers in reserve service.
Article40. Officers in reserve service shall receive military training for three to six months during the period of their reserve service.
The limits of authority for approving the annulment of a reserve rank shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank.
The limits of authority for approving the demotion in rank for reserve officers shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank.
The limits of authority for approving the deprivation of a reserve rank shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank.
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