The stipulations on written form in traditional laws have been a serious obstacle to e commerce activities via e data.
传统法律中的书面形式的规定 ,对通过数据电文进行的电子商务活动构成了法律上的一大障碍。
The discussing shows that there are two main kinds of assessment styles existed in teaching PE which are oral assessment and written assessment.
一般而言 ,体育课所采用的教学评价方式主要有口头评价和书面评价两种 。
Using written work can raake students master the basie operating skills and improve effects of teaching.
The Impact of Early Written Language Training on Children s Development of Learning Skills;
Deaf students of Grade One were measured on their written language.
Verbal language and written language have different features inmeaning expression, norms, context dependence, and practical effect.
口头语言与书面语言有着各异的表意特点、使用规范、适用场合以及实用效果 ,而在书面语言的实际运用中 ,应用文写作与文学创作又有不尽相同的书面语使用要求。
In order to evaluate the knowledge level of rural doctor,the scores on the written test of 456 doctors in 72 township hospitals were analysed.
对江西省 72所乡镇卫生院 45 6名医生进行书面考试 ,测试了乡镇卫生院医生掌握医学基础的知识、公共临床和预防保健知识及专业知识的水平 ,比较了不同性别、年龄、专业、学历、职称医生的笔试成绩差别 ,提出了增强医生知识素质的有关政策建议。
Comprehension of written words by deaf students and written words teaching in schools for the deaf;
As for issues concerning the low quality and mistakes in media language use,the paper suggests that there should be different criteria in spoken and written language after the author has compared the different styles between these two forms.
Punctuation will help authors to fully express their thoughts and readers to understand the structural relationship in written language correctly.
we found that the psychological distance is one of mainly conditional factors of the style, stylistic variation: the bigger the psychological distance is, the speech communication has more written language features, the smaller the psychological distance is, the s.
Analyzing in a comparative way the major features of oral English and written English from the views of lexicon,style and occasion.
Nominalization is one of major differences between written English and spoken Eng- lish.
This paper analyzes and interperets the difference between oral English and written English from the perspective of grammatical metaphor,and furthermore puts forward some suggestions to enforcing and improving English teaching.
With the thoroughgoing of the quality education, examinational force to students applying knowledge ability in written expression is increasing day and day.
The written expression is the usage of the language knowledge that has been learned.
书面表达是对所学的语言知识的运用,教师在英语书面表达训练中要扩大学生视 野,使其广泛接触各种题材,提供多种多样的情景,不断提高英语书面表达水平。
In bilingual teaching,the main task of teaching Chinese to intermediate level and advanced level students is to train their ability in written expressions.
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