It s given that the specific formula of the enterprise s effective economic taxes because of transformation of value-added tax under depreciation method of double decline balance and sum of years digits method.
给出了在双倍余额递减法和年数和法折旧方式下 ,增值税转型后企业实际税收节约额的具体应用公式 ,进行了比较分析 ,并通过示例加以说明 ,最后得出在相同条件下 ,增值税由生产型转向收入型 ,采用双倍余额递减法比年数和法给企业带来的整体税收节约额要多 ;由生产型转向消费型 ,采用双倍余额递减法与年数和法给企业带来的整体税收节约额一样多 ;由收入型转向消费型 ,采用双倍余额递减法比年数和法给企业带来的整体税收节约额要少的结
The relations and differences between this mehod with the depreciation method of double decline balance are given.
深入分析了余值变率法的实质 ,指出了目前国内使用不普遍的原因 ,给出了该法与双倍余额递减法的联系与区别 ,提出了处理残余价值的思路和方法 ,并通过示例加以说明 。
By using the idea of time value of fund,the compound interest depreciation method of double decline balance is deeply studied,and the specific formula is given.
运用资金时间价值的思想 ,对复利双倍余额递减法进行了深入研究 ,给出了具体应用公式 ,进行了比较分析 ,并通过示例加以说
By using the idea of time value of fund,the simple interest depreciation method of double decline balance is deeply studied,and the specific formula is given.
运用资金时间价值 ,对单利双倍余额递减法进行了深入研究 ,给出了具体应用公式 ,进行了比较分析 ,并通过示例加以说
By using the idea of time value of fund,the compound interest depreciation method of double decline balance is deeply studied,and the specific formula is given.
运用资金时间价值的思想 ,对复利双倍余额递减法进行了深入研究 ,给出了具体应用公式 ,进行了比较分析 ,并通过示例加以说
Preliminary Study on Development of Management System for Information Related to the Remaining Amount of Materials;
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